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Update: 09-07-2003 14:33:00

S1 still on target !
Quote Scawen: 08-07-2003 19:52 "i don’t really want to stop what i’m doing right now and prepare some screenies or news or announcements,...

Current Patch: F
Master IP fixed and last checkpoint time differences are displayed on the position list. Get it in our files section... ...
2 New BR Members - New member admittance closed. - Update: 09-07-2003 21:19:00
Welcome Catalyst and Octane to the team!
Skins are available in the latest skinpack.

We are not accepting any new members until further notice...
Press Release: New Members Join Team BR - Update: 07-07-2003 18:35:00
Blackwood, United Kingdom - 07 July 2003 - Team Boomerang Rapido, the ultimate LFS racing team, today announced that 3 new members have joined their team.<..
New BR Members - Update: 29-06-2003 15:57:00
Welcome new BR members: Henk, Gopher04, Krak, Dangerous Dave and MadH! Get the skins in our skin pack...
Release date and new car announcement - Update: 26-06-2003 02:44:00
Posted by Scawen

Hello Racers!

This time we have a very nice update for you - we are now able to give you a release date with reasonable accu..


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